Nibbles Of Tidbits Is Here To Stay: Still Growing, Cooking & Eating.

Though I haven’t written in a while, Nibbles of Tidbits is here to stay (unless big tech shuts us down), but that’s a topic for a different blog. It’s a weird world today. And I’m frustrated at how our government has treated our hard working restaurant families. Too many liberties and restaurants lost over the past year. It makes me sad and mad. We try to dine out as much as we can and tip big. We know the industry is hurting badly. Covid is not the only problem in town. I mourn many losses. And I hope and pray for a better future for all around the world.

Aside from my thoughts above, we feel blessed despite the circumstance. I’ve been working from home for a year now. The kitchen has been my office, though I recently moved into a designated office in the house. I am grateful for that, since many aren’t so lucky. Right now we’re growing Swiss Chard, Leeks, Cauliflower, Red Cabbage, Celery, Jalapenos, Poblano Peppers, Kale, Rosemary, Oregano, Parsley, Mint and Basil. That sounds great, but our Swiss Chard looks like Jack’s Bean Stock, our Cauliflower and Red Cabbage have too many bugs to contend with, and our Basil is barely alive. The full story is always less pretty. Next week we’re planting Green Beans and ornamental Corn. We did well with Green Beans last year, and last time we grew edible Corn it was mushy. I don’t think we picked it in time. And another time, we thought we were growing edible Corn, but surprisingly it turned out to be ornamental Corn. Each was a multi-colored jewel under the husk. We decorate with them during the fall and want to add more to our collection.
We appreciate the ability to grow food, prepare food, and eat almost anything, aside from occasional acid reflux issues. Oh, digestive issues, a topic for another time. Life isn’t perfect for anyone, no matter how things appear and EVERYONE should be respected. Justice and liberty should be applied fairly for ALL to thrive. Let restaurant owners manage their own businesses. From what I’ve seen over the past year, many know better than the government.
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