Copywriting Services

Direct Text for Documents & Websites


Phone: (949) 702-1005

Phone/Fax: (949) 722-1625


Writing Service Definitions

I’ve come to learn that many people aren’t sure about its definition.  This page will help take away the mystique from the word “Copywriter.”  People ask - - Do you make copies?  That’s my favorite.  They ask, do you work for the government or the United States Copyright Office?  Copywriter is often confused with its homophone “Copyright.”  I’ll clarify these words and other related writing service terms in the way they most apply to me, and the services I offer.

Text Box: More and more companies are outsourcing their writing needs to save on overhead employment costs.
Text Box: What the heck is a Copywriter?  Some still don’t know.  This page should change that.

Copywriter - One who prepares advertising copy, articles, bulletins,
sales letters, speeches, and many other informative and promotional materials. 
My services encompass the broadest definition of a Copywriter. 
In some circles, I can also be called a Commercial Writer or Technical Writer.

Copyright - A Copyright is a form of protection provided to authors of original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works, both published and unpublished.  Sole right to a literary or artistic work.  For more information regarding this area, you can visit

Commercial Writer - One who prepares written content for any category of commercial use.  Sometimes referred to as a Business Writer, Corporate Writer or Market Writer.

Technical Writer - One who writes company or product materials such as manuals, processes or instructions.  One who reviews published materials to recommend revisions, changes in scope, format, content and/or methods.

Copy - The final result of a project request (completed text), whatever that may be.  Copy is provided to you by the established deadline.  The word Copy is capitalized throughout this website to decipher it from the verb to copy.  Copy can be anything from a Sales Letter to an Instruction Manual.

Characteristics of a Writer

The Dictionary of Occupational Titles notes certain Personality Types, Abilities, Skills, Work Values, Experiences and Work Activities associated with the above occupations.*  I share excerpts with you below.  It assures me I’m in the right business.

Personality Type - Artistic, often requires self-expression, and work can be done without following a clear set of rules, etc.

Abilities - Cognitive written expression, writing comprehension, oral comprehension, originality, fluency of ideas, etc.

Skills - Active listening, writing, reading comprehension, idea generation, active learning, critical thinking, operation and control, speaking, etc.

Work Values - Creativity, ability utilization, responsibility, achievement, working conditions.

Experience - A minimum of two to four years of work related skill, knowledge or experience is needed.

Work Activities - Getting information needed to do the job; Monitoring processes, materials and surroundings; Processing information; Updating and using job relevant knowledge; Thinking creatively; Documenting and recording information; Interacting with computers; Interacting with others; Establishing and maintaining relationships.

*ONET Dictionary of Occupational Titles, Second Edition, Published by JIST Works, Indianapolis, Indiana (2001)

Traits of a Good Copywriter - Other collective publications note the following traits of a good copywriter, which include a good sense of humor, an open-mind, an unique ability to understand human nature and what makes people tick, your words can move people into action, and confidence. 

NOTE FROM THIS COPYWRITER:  Throughout my life, I’ve been told I have all the above traits, especially a sense of humor -- I won the best all the way back in high school.  I also believe I have an innate sense of what is truly good, and what’s not.  And I’ll do my best to help your Company, Association, Network, Fund Raiser, Agency, Corporation, Web Business, or other prosper.

Shelly A. Borrell,
Outsourced Writer for YOUR Company

Rectangular Callout: Read more about this Copywriter HERE and on the ‘About Us’ and ‘Specialties’ Page.

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