Copywriting Services |
Direct Text for Documents & Websites |
Under the hood of this website are more than twenty years of writing experience in many areas. Hello again. As declared on the Home Page, my name is Shelly Borrell. I have worked for Large Corporations, Small and Large Companies, Webmasters, Associations, Agencies and Law Firms. I’ve prepared text for ALL documents listed on the ‘Experience’ Page. If given the opportunity, I’m capable of assisting YOU with your writing needs. I’ve written text for various types of document for use by many local and internet businesses. My writing experience is exceptionally varied, so it may be helpful to view the ‘Writing Definitions’ Page to gain a better understanding of the services offered herein -- It helped me by writing it. Perhaps there you will learn WHY I’m the Copywriter for YOU. It explains a little more than you read here and on the Home Page. I previously operated a business named “The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease,” whereas I wrote numerous letters on behalf of many individual and collective consumers, locally and across the USA by way of (1998-2005). My track record is excellent. I consistently achieved the desired response for my clients or myself -- Although a few letters did require a more commanding follow-up. I’ve thought of myself as a writer of words and a righter of wrongs. In addition, I’ve worked as a Paralegal. For one year I acted as Co-Editor of The Compendium, an Orange County Paralegal Association Newsletter. I have also performed numerous independent writing tasks as a Paralegal. I’ve since moved on to what makes me most happy, which is writing for YOU. That’s how you found me, because I’m searching for you -- Unless you truly did just stumble upon me. Regardless, thanks for visiting. If I invited you to stop by, please see the ‘Specialties’ Page. I currently work and reside in Southern California, but can provide Copy to ANYWHERE within the United States, and various countries abroad. I have the capabilities to conduct all business electronically. We’re able to send and receive many materials via E-Mail, Fax, CD or Direct Mail. Completed Copy can be provided in several available file formats, which allows for the ease of import into final documents and materials. Finally, I hope we can build a long, happy relationship together. I want you to count on me for your business writing needs. Sincerely, Shelly A. Borrell, |
Contacts: Phone: (949) 702-1005 Phone/Fax: (949) 722-1625
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