Copywriting Services

Direct Text for Documents & Websites

Legal Information

For the record, Shelly A. Borrell is not an attorney, nor ever represents herself to be an attorney - - Therefore any opinions provided should not be construed as legal advise.  It is recommended that all clients seek the advice of their individual or corporate legal counsel, prior to making any legal decisions.

Every effort is made to make Copy comply with all laws, but it is the ultimate responsibility of the client to submit all Copy for legal review.  The client is responsible for the final proofreading of all Copy before printing or using.

There are many factors involved in marketing, products, demand, consumer preferences, the market, pricing and major events, which cannot be controlled, therefore specific results cannot be promised or guaranteed.

Billing Information
Please remit all Invoice payments to Shelly A. Borrell within (30) days of receipt of Invoice.  Payments should be mailed to: 575 West 19th Street, Suite C127, Costa Mesa, California 92627.  All checks should be addressed to Shelly Borrell.

A Late Fee is  applied to Second Notice Invoices, if Initial Invoice is not paid within (30) days.  Late Fee amount is 3% of Initial Invoice amount and will be included in the Second Notice Invoice.  (60) day non-payments will be referred to a collections agency.  Special arrangement may be approved if the client timely communicates the  respective hardship.  We deliver your Copy on-time, thus we expect our wonderful clients to remit payments on-time.

Privacy Policy
All information provided by clients, prospective clients, or other is NOT shared in any way, shape, form, or fashion with any entity, agency, individual or other.  We completely respect your privacy.  This policy is currently in effect.  If any changes are made to this policy in the future, we will post same in an obvious location.  Note: We do not expect to make any changes to this policy.  We value your privacy as much as we value ours.

Final Copy (Professional Samples)
We do not display your companies final Copy, unless we previously request proper permissions from you.

Accepted Payment Types

Company Checks, Cashiers Checks and Money Orders.  Personal Checks must be processed prior to commencement of the assignment.  Credit Card are currently not accepted.  New Clients may be required to provide 50% - 100% of the total fee to commence a project.

Rush Fees
A Rush Project is one that is Assigned & Due within ONE WEEK or LESS.  Rush Projects are quoted on the higher end of the Fee Schedule.  In some instances a Rush Fee of $150 - $500 may be applied to your FFQ.  If applicable, clients will be advised about this fee prior to the commencement of their project.  No hidden surprises - - Guaranteed.

Travel Cost Information
Shelly Borrell will incur all necessary travel costs within a 25 mile radius.  Upon prior agreement, it will be the responsibility of the client to pay for all necessary travel outside a 25 mile radius.  Mileage costs outside a 25 mile radius is billed at .42 cents a mile.  Additional essential travel costs including flights, hotels, trains, taxis, rental cars, associated reasonable meals, and communications costs must be paid by the client/employer.  Necessary travel will be documented prior to commencement.

Final Fee Quotes
All pertinent information must be provided for a Final Fee Quote (FFQ) to be valid and operable.  In the event additional information is provided after a FFQ is generated, a new FFQ or an addendum may need to be prepared.  Providing supplemental or revised information may render a FFQ and/or an Individual Writing Contract void.  If the project has already commenced, a Kill Fee or additional fees may be applied.  Please be sure to provide all important details when applying for a FFQ.

Price ranges fairly apply to all Corporations, Companies, Associations, Agencies, Outlets, Trades, Networks, Firms, Studios, Departments, Individuals, etc.  Certain Non-Profits receive a discounted rate.  Other discounts occasionally apply.

Kill Fee Schedule

(10%) of the Final Fee Quote is billed if client has officially given the
go-ahead, then cancels the assignment (1-2 days into the project).  If an assignment is due in less than two weeks, the client may be billed the high-end hourly rate instead of percentage of FFQ.  The amount of time spent on the respective project will be assessed and the applicable Kill Fee will be determined, then billed to the client;
(25%) of the Final Fee Quote is applied if client has officially given the
go-ahead, then cancels the assignment when it is roughly (25%) complete.  Incomplete Copy is then provided as is;
(50%) of the Final Fee Quote is applied if client has officially given the
go-ahead, then cancels the assignment when it is roughly (50%) complete.  Incomplete Copy is then provided as is;
(75%) of the Final Fee Quote is applied if client has officially given the
go-ahead, then cancels the assignment when it is roughly (75%) complete.  Incomplete Copy is then provided as is;
(100%) of Final Fee is applied if client has officially given the go-ahead, then cancels the assignment (1-2 days prior to its due date).  Copy is finished or provided as is.  If provided as is, a (10%) discount may apply.

Miscellaneous Notes (Page Size Equivalents)

NOTE 1Page = Up to 8 ½ x 11 (1 Side).

NOTE 2Newsletter = Up to 8 ½ x 11 (1 Side).

NOTE 3Brochure = Tri-Fold, 6 Areas of Text; Page=1/3rd (2 Sided)
Tri-Fold; Total Area is 8 ½ x 11 (2 Sided); It is understood that some brochure designs are different.

General Conditions (General Terms)
In the event a writing contract is not requested, required or necessary to commence a writing project, the current (General Terms) posted below will be reasonably applied.


Up to (2) revisions are included at no extra charge, unless they are based on a change in the assignment made after the Copy is submitted.  All revisions must be requested within (21) days after receipt of the Copy.  After that time, additional re-writes will be negotiated separately from the initial assignment.  Best attempts are made to be available to make all revisions.  Minor revisions can be turned around in 1-3 business days or less, and major revisions may take longer.

Project Changes:

Changes made to the assignment by the client after commencement, may require an additional fee, or a re-negotiated deadline may be necessary.  In the event this occurs, an addendum will be added to the Final Fee Quote or Contract.

On Hold:

Assignments placed on temporary hold by the client after work has begun, will require payment in full to hold and later continue the assignment.  A revised deadline will need to be negotiated.  If respective project is not paid in-full to hold, a Kill Fee will be applied.


Shelly Borrell does not miss deadlines.  If you have not received your Copy by the specified date and time, please contact me immediately at (949) 702-1005 to have the Copy resent.  There are many factors involved in marketing, product, demand, consumer preferences, the market, pricing and major events that Shelly Borrell cannot control – Therefore specific results cannot be promised or guaranteed.



Text Box: We respect your privacy.  Do unto others, right!  
We value our own privacy, so we definitely protect yours.


Phone: (949) 702-1005

Phone/Fax: (949) 722-1625


© 2005 - 2008 I Need Text Company.  All Rights Reserved.