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Cherry Blossoms And Cherry Pie In Washington, DC.

Cherry Blossoms

Our Washington, DC Food Correspondent, Steven Woo sent us these fabulous photos.  He enjoys the Cherry Blossoms each year and bakes a Cherry Pie in appreciation of same.  He’s observant, funny and wrote the following:

Tourists galore are in town for the Cherry Blossoms, which are in peak bloom. Attached are some pix from my sunset walk around the Tidal Basin last Thursday. The statue of President Jefferson inside his silhouetted memorial is readily apparent. Peak bloom was on Wednesday, and the warm temperatures this weekend and week (mid-80s!) will cause the fleeting blossoms to disappear by next weekend… hopefully the tourists will too ;). Also attached is a pix of the cherry pie I baked in honor of the season. The crust is from scratch(!); the sugar-free filling from Comstock is rather bland…

Happy Spring!

Cherry PieCB's in DCCB'sDC Sunset

Thanks Steven — Can you see what you can do about the politicians up there?!

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