Many thanks to the California Avocado Commission, Mission Produce and to California Avocado Growers, especially the Pinkertons for one of the best days ever. We LOVE Avocados.

We recently traveled to Oxnard for a hands on tour with a California Avocado Grower.

It’s a special day when you start it with an outdoor brunch on a hill.

AVOCADOS — The Star of the day in every way.

We learned about growing techniques from Dan Pinkerton on his farm.

Bloggers from all around were invited to experience the California Avocado Story.

We RSVP’ed Y-E-S!

And you can see why we were glad to experience it all.

Avocado in EVERYTHING was the Menu — Starting with a Shrimp and Scallop Ceviche.

Bacon Smoked with Avocado Wood.

A very fresh Fruit Salad, including Avocados — It’s a Fruit you know, right!?

Omelettes with Tomatoes, Asparagus, Cheese and sliced Avocados.

Baby Greens Salad with Avocado.

Spring Vegetable, Sausage and California Avocado Frittata.

Warm Bagels with an Avocado Spread.

Grilled Fajita Potatoes with Avocados.

A Chocolate Mousse dessert made with Avocados.

Professionals also photographed Avocados’ glory.

My first plate (below) before going back for more Bacon Smoked with Avocado Wood.

Take all the Avocados you want they told us — Thank you!

We stuffed our face (and bags to go). 🙂

We loved the view, brunch and our friendly, informative tour guides.

Our drive was already worth it.

Then it was on to Dan and Susan Pinkerton’s other grove/farm/crop, along with Jan from the California Avocado Commission to pick our own Avocados and possibly drive a tractor.

Learning about tree buds and what to look for and hope for when growing Avocados.

The beautiful trees were loaded.

Looking to pick some Avocados.

As if all wasn’t enough, it was on to a tour of one of California’s leading Avocado packing houses, Mission Produce — It was truly a behind-the-scenes look at a farm-to-fork journey.

Hair nets please everyone — Oh goody.

Thousands of Avocados — Crates filled on farms and hauled off by tractors to be here.

First a cold wash to bring down the Avocados’ basking-in-the-sun temperature.

The cool-down is an important step to Mission Produce.

On to the belts and rollers, through specially made machinery.

First a wash, then light wax.

Now sorting — Second tier Avocados, Grade 2’s get tossed on top for separate packaging.

Others move on to be weighed, stickered by size and PLU, then packaged.

Each cup weighs then drops the Avocado — I think the heaviest lasts the longest. Not sure.

Boxing Avocados to be shipped to grocery stores and restaurants near YOU.

You’ve seen them sold in stores and now you know the care involved — All is well run.

More Avocados to take home — Thank you! And a 1/2 Avocado Stress Ball. Does it look real?

We’re grateful for all that grows, those who grow it and those who get it to us.

What an amazing day — God bless California Avocados.
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