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Our Total Kitchen Remodel: Where Nibbles Of Tidbits Get Cooked.

Yes, Nibbles of Tidbits is still live.  And continuously eating — Mostly out and microwavable frozen meals while the kitchen was being remodeled, but now I’m cookin’ up a storm, as I like to say, though you wouldn’t know that from here lately.  All of that is sure to change having this beautiful, inspiring kitchen.  We just love it.  And food looks great here too.  I created this short, before and after video to show the dramatic change.  We set up a temporary kitchen in the garage, thought up a new design, selected a contractor, materials, colors, products and style, and hoped for the best.  We are very pleased with the final results, which shall be starring here.  We’re happy to present Nibbles of Tidbits’ new kitchen and we are thankful to/for all who made it possible.

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