I bought these fresh White Currants for less than a dollar at Grower’s Direct. The price was good, like most of the produce there, and I’d never tried them before. You’ll find great prices on fruit and vegetables at Grower’s Direct, if you can put up with the narrow aisles, people traffic and (sometimes) parking issues. I went there for the makings of a Vegetable Platter and tacked on these White Currants for a try.

I quickly learned that White Currants aren’t too edible alone — They’re tart and have a lot of crunchy seeds inside. So much for simply enjoying a new tasty Berry, HA. I was hoping to eat ’em like a Blueberry, Raspberry, etc. The next thought was to make something out of them. What? The obvious was Jam/Jelly, which I don’t use. And I couldn’t see them enhancing the flavor of anything that’s quick and simple to make.
Since I didn’t want to waste all of them, I tossed some in a small batch of Rice Pudding, which isn’t as simple as it sounds. I had the prepared (leftover) Rice, but it’s necessary to pick off both ends of the White Currants before adding to a recipe. And by the time you pick off the bottom fur-ish part, you’re left with mostly seeds and skin, HA. It’s real worth it, not.
Overall, they weren’t bad in the Rice Pudding, nor good either. I learned a lot, yet still don’t know the best thing to do with White Currants. That’s okay, because it’s always fun to try new things — Some are fabulous finds and others just an educational story. Next.
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