
Archive for August, 2015

Do Us A Flavor Lay’s: Pick My Chip Idea Next Time.

August 9th, 2015 No comments

Do Us A Flavor Contest Finalists

Have you heard of Lay’s Do Us A Flavor Chip Contest?  Lays may someday pay YOU for coming up with a great Chip idea.  This time the finalists’ flavors are… West Coast Truffle Fries, Southern Biscuits and Gravy, and Greektown Gyro and New York Reuben Sandwich flavors. Different.  I like that and was excited to try each, but… hhmmm… some aren’t executed that well. Bummer. The Reuben and Gyro Chips just taste weird.  Some of the respective Sandwich components can be tasted in each, but neither come together in a positive tasty manner.  And the Truffle Fries Chips don’t have enough Truffle flavor.  They taste more like Sour Cream and Onion Chips.  The best of the (4) in a collective opinion of five are the Southern Biscuits and Gravy Chips.  They have a good, peppery Biscuits and Gravy flavor and might be purchased by us post review.  Lays should pick my Chip idea next time — TBA if it happens.  In any event, it’s a fun contest that I hope continues.

What Grows The Fastest? Radishes, Beans & Peas, Oh My.

August 2nd, 2015 2 comments

Radishes from the Garden

Though we planted late this year, we’re enjoying the Radishes.  They’re pushing through the soil daily alerting they are ready to pick — It took about 4 weeks from seeds to grow and eat them.

Garden Status

And we learned that Beans and Peas practically grow overnight, but as of today they are far from being ready to eat, especially since our large turtle tortoise (Cesar) ate them when we weren’t looking.  We wrongly planted them in the lower planter, which we’re in the process of amending.

Cesar, our turtle.

As for the other seeds we planted, much is growing or trying to grow.  Our Purple Cabbage has sprouted large leaves, but the row of Purple Cabbage growing at the Orange County Fair includes numerous large heads of Cabbage.  Our garden is coming along slowly, but we’re optimistic.

Home Garden

I wonder what we get to eat (before Cesar) next — To be determined and announced.