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In Loving Memory of a Masterful Meat Cutter.

My Grandpa, Vaughn Moomey passed away this week at the age of 90.  We are going to miss him so much, but we’re also content that he is in a better place with the Lord. 

For many years he worked hard as a Butcher for Von’s Grocers.  I remember having long talks about the various cuts of Beef — It’s a lot more complicated than I imagined.  He was a very gentle, patient and loving man.

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And he still looked handsome at 90.  We love you Grandpa, Dad and PaPa.  Thanks for being such a Great Man!

christmas-0271Merry Christmas in Heaven this year Grandpa.  We miss you very much, but we’re glad you’re in peace with God.  Uncle Doug carved your name in the tree.  I hope we don’t get you kicked out. 🙂

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  1. July 26th, 2010 at 14:47 | #1

    Hi Tina. I don’t think I ever got a response from you reagrding this — I’ll send you an e-mail. Thank you very much!

  2. tina
    July 23rd, 2010 at 20:07 | #2

    Did i ever reply to you?? I just saw your post…. replying to mine…

  3. August 23rd, 2009 at 00:52 | #3

    What? Another distant relative? Yes, from Downey. How are you related?

  4. TINA
    August 23rd, 2009 at 00:39 | #4

    Very sorry to hear of Vaughn’s passing.
    I believe I am distantly related to this family…. is this the Moomey family that has lived in Downey for many years?

  5. June 12th, 2009 at 18:30 | #5

    His Mother’s name was Esta. Very interesting — I’ll send an e-mail to your address. Thanks for your message.

  6. Jeff Story
    June 10th, 2009 at 07:29 | #6

    I saw your article on Vaughn Moomey. I am doing some genealogy work and think I’m related to Vaughn through his mother, Esta. How many Vaughn S. Moomeys can there be in the world? Anyway, I would love to talk to you about the Moomey family, if you have the time. Vaughn looks like a great guy. My email address is storyclan@msn.com. Thanks!

  7. July 9th, 2008 at 11:33 | #7

    Shelly, so sorry to hear about your grandfather’s passing.

  8. Michelle Margot
    June 29th, 2008 at 22:33 | #8

    Vaughn, If you see my grandma Marie up in Heaven, watch out! She loves to tell nasty jokes….!! Lots of love to all of the family. You are a wonderful bunch of people.

  1. February 20th, 2009 at 18:32 | #1

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