It’s Fun To Make, Sell & Eat Tamales: A Great Fundraising Idea.

TamalesTo help raise funds for her daughter’s school trip to Washington, DC, one mother decided to make and sell Tamales.  She and her family first took orders from friends, co-workers, neighbors and others for homemade Beef, Chicken or Pork Tamales.  At $1 a Tamale, I ordered 10, 5 Pork and 5 Chicken.  It’s a win-win fundraising idea.  The mother and Tamale maker said it was a fun family bonding experience, but a lot of work.  Many said she should’ve charged more, thus tipped extra accordingly — She happily exceeded her monetary goal.  The Tamales were neatly prepared with nice chunks of meat and were thoroughly enjoyed by me.  And this Spring a little girl will get to join her class on a trip to DC.  It wasn’t easy, but all is good now.

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