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Taste Of Orange County: A Smooth Landing After Some Turbulence.

The Taste of Orange County didn’t start off pretty — Long lines, slow processing and network glitches frustrated a lot of people including us, but we hung in there to eventually enjoy a sunny day filled with appetizing food, cooking demonstrations, artwork and live bands.

FOOD commenced with a Spicy Lobster Shrimp Grinder (at top) from SlapFish.

And the fare continued all day with specialties from several local high-quality restaurants, including Tamarind of London, which offered a nice seating area too, as did a few others.

Though not pictured, Mastro’s Steakhouse presented one of the best lounge areas.

The hip set-up paired well with Mastro’s Steak and Lobster Mashed Potatoes (above).

A few favorites came from Red Table.

We loved the Yuzu Crab Ceviche Tacos and Braised Beef Short Ribs.

We meant to go back for Red Table’s Broken Banana Cream Pie after savory, but forgot.

Spicy, tender, flavorful Chicken from Clay Oven.

Haven GastroPub served up Crab Rolls (above) and Fried Pigs Ears (below).

Pig’s Ears were another first — The pictured were sweet, spicy, crispy and tasty.

Short Rib and Crab-related offerings seemed to be popular, an agreeable thing.

The grilling meat reminded us of the upcoming Orange County Fair.

Chef Demo Host, Chef Jamie Gwen and Executive Chef Rob Wilson from the Montage Laguna Beach show ‘Easy Luxury Hors d’oeuvres Tricks & Tips’ with audience member volunteers.

Great OC Farm-To-Table Dinner, an extra cost but valuable — 7 Courses by 9 Top Chefs.

The Ultimate Stones cover band — They were good and almost as old as the originals.

Thanks for the Cupcakes — Media break under a tree with a glass of Wine.

We’re glad we stayed for all.

  1. June 18th, 2012 at 17:46 | #1

    It was our pleasure too, and yes, we loved the Hara Chicken! I didn’t remember its name, but it was tender and tasty. Thank you!

  2. June 18th, 2012 at 17:37 | #2

    It was a pleasure meeting you both, glad you enjoyed the Hara Chicken!

  3. June 18th, 2012 at 17:15 | #3

    Hi Jill. Yes, we wish y’all would have stayed too, because all got semi worked out after you left. We felt bad for you and had hoped to see you inside later. We looked for you, but figured you probably left. We hope you had a good day afterall!! Hope to see you at another food event in the future.

  4. Jill
    June 18th, 2012 at 16:24 | #4

    Remember me, my daughters and I were in front of you in those lines you referred to….wished we would have stayed now! (Low blood sugar made me leave).

  5. Ami
    June 18th, 2012 at 01:01 | #5

    Looks like great food and I really like the last pic:)

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