
Archive for June 12th, 2016

Tending To A Flourishing Garden: Appreciate Each And Every Growth.

June 12th, 2016 No comments

Tomatoes and more

Remember how all looked not too long ago?  Our garden is flourishing nicely.  We’re picking Tomatoes, Bell Peppers, Jalapenos and Herbs daily, and the Fennel, Corn, Swiss Chard, Onion and Lettuce is coming along well.  Good thing we have a tortoise to enjoy the Arugula overgrowth.

Fennel, Herbs and more

I need to think of more recipes using Arugula.  Our garden is keeping us busy on the home-front. So far I’ve made Salsa and inhaled ripe Cherry Tomatoes and Blackberries before much else can get made. All had without photos, but do check back as we plan to grow, cook and eat forever.  Amen.