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I’m A Pecan: What’s Your Nut Personality? Take The Quiz Here.

What kind of Nut are you?  I’ve heard that question many of times, hahaha, and now I know.  It appears I’m a Pecan for those who have wondered all these years.  Fisher Nuts has developed a Personality Quiz to help you determine which Nut you’ve always been.  Take the quiz now — It’ll be such a relief to finally know.  The mystery is somewhat solved. 🙂

PECAN: You are generous and loyal.  Friends and family love to be around you because you consider their needs first.  You are a tenacious, committed team player who doesn’t require recognition.  You are happiest when you share the credit with everyone around you.

  1. Bunny
    September 8th, 2010 at 00:52 | #1

    I’m a Pecan too.

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