Home > Beverages & Spirits, Candy & Gum, Chicken & Other Poultry, Chocolate, Food Pictures & More, Holiday Ideas > Pure Merry Employment: EPL, Homemade Apple Juice & Chocolate.

Pure Merry Employment: EPL, Homemade Apple Juice & Chocolate.

A surprise at the office on Friday made my day — Walked in to a pile of presents on my desk and a box of Donuts nearby.  A couple days a week at EPL’s corporate headquarters (as a Paralegal, Consultant) enhances living.  Before and after will always be tasty grilled Chicken.

You’re lucky to like your job, or in some cases just have one — I thankfully enjoy a few.

And now keen on 2 Pounds of See’s Candy, Homemade Apple Juice and candles — Sounds like a party.  I never had 2 Pounds of Chocolate.  Is it really Apple Juice or Moonshine?  I won’t tell.

I feel bizarre — What’s in there?  JK, lovin’ the freshly juiced Gala and Fuji Apples with the Nuts & Chews, at a pace to avoid chaos.  Thank you!  I’m very grateful for all.  The little things and big picture matter most.  Merry Christmas, love and feast on earth.  Pass the Moonshine.

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