Home > Fish & Shellfish, Food Markets (Grocery), Food Pictures & More, Orange County (OC) Reviews > Santa Monica Seafood: Cheers To Its New-ish Design & A Good Time.

Santa Monica Seafood: Cheers To Its New-ish Design & A Good Time.

Whoever started Wordless Wednesday is a genius, though I rarely take full advantage of it, as you see words — There’s a lot to say about Santa Monica Seafood and its new-ish design, the Oyster Bar, the market, and the Lobster Roll that didn’t get away, but not today.

Soon back for (and with) more of everything — Cheers to that!

Now back to Wordless Wednesday                                                                     ;).

  1. January 12th, 2012 at 13:59 | #1

    That’s pretty funny!

  2. Kimba
    January 11th, 2012 at 18:02 | #2

    I LOVE Wordless Wednesdays!!! Now if only my kids would catch on!!!

  1. January 13th, 2012 at 11:45 | #1

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