Home > Cakes & Cupcakes, Food Pictures & More, Holiday Ideas, Homegrown, Kids in the Kitchen > Spring Sprunging On Easter Day: Paving The Way For Yo No Se.

Spring Sprunging On Easter Day: Paving The Way For Yo No Se.

An Easter table setting awaiting a family meal.

Easter Cupcakes made by Kids in the Kitchen.

A backyard set for BBQ-ing, Ping Pong, Appetizers, Mimosas, doing nothing or anything.

Chef Lexi of Kids in the Kitchen cleaning the BBQ — Cute and helpful, a delightful combination.

Remnants of Candy, gifts and cards scattered throughout — Happy to be alive in Spring!

  1. Ami
    April 8th, 2012 at 22:20 | #1

    Great pics on your blog! We have so many wonderful memories at mom and dads! I am so blessed with such a wonderful family!! It was great getting together today and seeing you!
    We need to plan a camping trip together really soon….
    Love u sis!

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