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Unga Bunga Bur-ger: Carl’s Jr. Aka Hardee’s New Southwest Patty Melt.

I hate to keep bustin’ their chops, but I’m not sure if Carl’s Jr. wants me to buy this Burger!?  It’s the Southwest Patty Melt with Jalapenos, Grilled Onions and Pepper Jack Cheese, which sounds fine, well and good, but I’m not Snap-On Tools.  Do I hang this poster in my garage?

I like the ingredients with Carl’s Santa Fe Sauce and Sourdough Bread, but hope for more creative advertising — I mean, she’s pretty and all, but what’s it got to do with the Burger?  Wow, she likes it, I want one too.  Me want Bur-ger, unga bunga.  Is that the simple hope?

Anyway, it doesn’t work here, but we do like the combination of ingredients on the Southwest Patty Melt, though want the Onions to truly be grilled.  We got a few crunchies, which wasn’t too pleasant.  May need to ask that the Onions be well done, if we buy one in the future.

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