
Archive for July 13th, 2009

There’s Always A Food Angle To A Good Story.

July 13th, 2009 No comments

misc-003Today our family taped the Family Feud show and had a BLAST!  It was an all day event with Subway Sandwiches in between.  I don’t think we saw the “Green Room?!”  Although its defining factor isn’t that it’s green, the room we lunched in was all burgundy, otherwise we were in the studio taping shows the entire day.  I cannot report if we won, but will report the air date (when known) for you to find out.  A big thanks to the Family Feud Crew and John O’Hurley for a great time, oh and the Subway Sandwiches too.  Now we’re ready for Spam.  

How to be on Family Feud:

Subway DIRECT:

Spamalot Musical (John O’Hurley’s current show with a food and story angle):

We love Seinfeld too:

* Photo is of a previously enjoyed Subway Sandwich.