
Archive for June 2nd, 2011

Artichokes With Walt’s Wharf Lea & Perrins Sauce At Home.

June 2nd, 2011 2 comments

Have you ever tried an Oak Grilled Artichoke at Walt’s Wharf in Seal Beach?  They serve one of the best Artichokes around.  The flavor of the grill combined with Walt’s Wharf Lea & Perrins Sauce is superb.  Since I don’t live as close as I used to, I make it at home.

Ingredients for Walt’s Wharf Lea & Perrins Sauce — Mayonnaise, Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce, Lemon, Sesame Oil, Olive Oil, Seasoning Salt and Honey.  Recipe is below.

Walt’s Wharf Restaurant first steams their Artichokes and then grills them over Oak Wood for extra flavor.  For ease, most of the time I just steam them, but do grill ’em on occasion too. 

I’ve had the recipe for about 20 years, as you can tell by its stained condition.

The Walt’s Wharf Lea & Perrins Sauce recipe is kept in one of four recipe binders created before Nibbles of Tidbits and a variation is linked here.  And semi-related, just because it’s in the same binder, is a photo from a recipe contest I won several years ago.  Lucky me.

On the subject of Artichokes, Lucille’s Smokehouse Bar-B-Que serves an amazing one too.

Note:  A link will be provided to Walt’s Wharf Restaurant when it’s operable again — They say it was recently hacked and are working on it now.  Check back.

06/03/11 Update:  The Walt’s Wharf website is still bogus, but a few of us are heading there (Walt’s and Seal Beach) this Saturday for the real deal and more.  We’ll see what’s goin’ down and update again.