
Archive for October 29th, 2012

Trick Or Eat: Halloween Cupcakes And Cookies To Observe The Day.

October 29th, 2012 No comments

More keep landing here to view our Halloween Cupcake and Cookie decorating ideas.

I’ve posted much about it previously — A link to all is here.

Pictured are the latest and hopefully greatest, though certainly not professional samples.

Trick or Eat is adopted from the Trick or Eat Dinner at The Cellar in Fullerton.

Happy Halloween from Nibbles of Tidbits!

Growing up some of the best times were spent trick-or-treating and trading Candy.

Now it’s fun to decorate and give away Cookies and Cupcakes to/from/with friends/family.

The kids love them too — Halloween is a creative time.

Enjoy the possibilities — Eyeballs bring anything to life.