Home > Food Expose, Food News, The Bad > Do You Remember Sid’s On Old Newport?

Do You Remember Sid’s On Old Newport?

At the time it was open, it almost looked the same as this – HA.  It was cool though — No signs, no outside lights, but there was a fun food party going on inside.  I loved Sid’s Cajun Baked Shrimp, or something like that.  You had to peel them, but they were worth it.  And if you ordered Jack Daniels you’d be kicked out — maybe.  I don’t know the whole story there.  Plus NO Salt & Pepper for you.

If you remove the beat up car, I could possibly hope it’s open again.  Or is it and YOU just don’t know about it yet?  HA.  That won’t happen for various reasons not to be reported here.  You’ll have to dig that up elsewhere.

Categories: Food Expose, Food News, The Bad

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