The Orange County Fair Opened Today — Yeah!


The Orange County Fair opened today — It’s time for our favorite Sandwich. Every year we look forward to the BBQ Beef Brisket Sandwich at the Texas Style BBQ Stand.  So far we haven’t found one we like better.  Look for this sign near the Fair entrance, if you want one too.  Is the cow appropriate for this post?  Either way, it’s all at the OC Fair with a whole lot more.  Have FUN and enjoy the FOOD.


Last year’s Sandwich (up close) is linked here — The stand looks a little different this year, if we’ve got it correct.  We’ll check back to confirm.

  1. July 11th, 2009 at 13:50 | #1

    We’ve heard there might be Chocolate Coved Bacon, but haven’t seen it yet. And we’re definitely going back to try some of the crazy stuff. We’ll post about it soon.

  2. July 11th, 2009 at 13:47 | #2

    Those are huge sausages!!!

  3. Big Guy
    July 11th, 2009 at 09:10 | #3

    Are there any NEW special featured foods this year, like the fried avocado stuffed w/ carne asada from years past?

  4. July 10th, 2009 at 22:23 | #4

    Are those huge sausages?!?!

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