
Archive for April 7th, 2009

Cherry Blossoms In Bloom & Cherry Pie Out Of A Washington, DC Oven.

April 7th, 2009 No comments


cherry-pieOur DC Food Correspondent, Steven Woo sent these fabulous photos to Nibbles of Tidbits.  Since the Cherry Blossoms are in full bloom, he was inspired to make this Cherry Pie.  He considered using a prepared Pie Crust (Shell) from the grocery store, but said all were cracked — Thus he made his own Pie Crust using good ole Crisco.  And he opted for the Comstock Cherry Pie Filling, as it’s quite the endeavor to pit fresh Cherries for an entire Pie.  I completely understand, but still aspire to do it someday.  His Pie Crust looks rustically good and flaky.  And his co-workers said it was delicious.

Crisco INFO & Recipes:

Comstock Fruit Pie Filling & Pie Related Tips:

Cherry Blossom Festival INFO: