And Heeere’s The Banana Experiment Results.
July 25th, 2011
1 comment
Remember the Banana Experiment? We recently tested Clearly Fresh Bags to see if they truly keep a Banana looking prettier for longer. Well, um, I think I left the Banana in the bag too long. While waiting for the bag-less Banana to turn black, as when ready for Banana Bread, the bagged Banana got a bit furry and developed a bed sore — Thus due to our poorly run experiment, we cannot form an opinion on the bags, but will advise not to keep your Banana in the bag too long. 😉 On a related note, reading this will make you want a Banana.
07/26/11 UPDATE: Clearly Fresh recommends that Bananas be stored for up to 9 days. Our Banana was stored in a Clearly Fresh Bag for 12 days.
Categories: Food News, Food Pictures & More, Fruit, Product Testing
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